#include "stdafx.h" #include #include "CTML.h" #include // std chrono has the worst namespace abuse i've ever seen, so therefore, i'm typedeffing typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock high_res_clock; typedef std::chrono::milliseconds millis; using namespace CTML; // tests if two strings are equivelent to each other bool assert_strings_equal(const std::string& left, const std::string& right) { return (left == right); } // this test ensures that HTML inside of the content is escaped correctly. void run_escape_test() { // what the node's to string should be equal to const auto htmlString = "<script>alert(\"ha ha hacked!\")</script>"; Node node("a.button", ""); // the node's string output const auto nodeString = node.ToString(Readability::SINGLE_LINE, 0); auto test = assert_strings_equal(htmlString, nodeString); std::cout << "Escape Test " << ((test) ? "passed!" : "failed!") << std::endl << "HTML Output: " << nodeString << std::endl << // use a double end line at the end for spacing between tests "Expected Output: " << htmlString << std::endl << std::endl; } // this test ensures that the HTML document created is equal to a correct HTML5 document void run_document_test() { // what the document's to string should be equal to const auto htmlString = "


"; Document doc; // the string output of the document doc.AddNodeToBody(Node("h1", "")); const auto docString = doc.ToString(Readability::SINGLE_LINE); auto test = assert_strings_equal(htmlString, docString); std::cout << "Document Test " << ((test) ? "passed!" : "failed!") << std::endl << "HTML Output: " << docString << std::endl << // use a double end line at the end for spacing between tests "Expected Output: " << htmlString << std::endl << std::endl; } // this test checks if the classes provided are correctly stored void run_class_test() { const auto classString = "test classes are fun"; Node testNode("a#test.test.classes.are.fun"); // get the test node's classlist. const auto classList = testNode.GetAttribute("class"); bool test = assert_strings_equal(classString, classList); std::cout << "Class Test " << ((test) ? "passed!" : "failed!") << std::endl << "Class Output: " << classList << std::endl << // use a double end line at the end for spacing between tests "Expected Output: " << classString << std::endl << std::endl; } // this test checks if the attributes provided are correctly stored and gotten void run_attribute_test() { const auto attrOutput = "testAttr1"; const auto attr2Output = "testAttr2"; const auto attr3Output = ""; Node testNode("a"); // set two attributes on the node testNode.SetAttribute("attr1", "testAttr1").SetAttribute("attr2", "testAttr2"); // get each attribute's output const auto attrOut = testNode.GetAttribute("attr1"); const auto attr2Out = testNode.GetAttribute("attr2"); const auto attr3Out = testNode.GetAttribute("attr3"); // test each string auto test1 = assert_strings_equal(attrOutput, attrOut); auto test2 = assert_strings_equal(attr2Output, attr2Out); auto test3 = assert_strings_equal(attr3Output, attr3Out); std::cout << "Class Test " << ((test1 && test2 && test3) ? "passed!" : "failed!") << std::endl << "Attr 1 Output: " << attrOut << std::endl << "Expected Output: " << attrOutput << std::endl << "Attr 2 Output: " << attr2Out << std::endl << "Expected Output: " << attr2Output << std::endl << "Attr 3 Output: " << attr3Out << std::endl << // use a double end line at the end for spacing between tests "Expected Output: " << attr3Output << std::endl << std::endl; } int main() { high_res_clock::time_point begin = high_res_clock::now(); run_escape_test(); run_document_test(); run_class_test(); run_attribute_test(); high_res_clock::time_point end = high_res_clock::now(); millis ms = std::chrono::duration_cast(end - begin); std::cout << "Tests ran in " << ms.count() << "ms" << std::endl; return 0; }